2021 Halloween Party
Halloween saw the PRA entertain around 20 children with games, a disco and scary stories told by Richard Plowman

Advent Christmas Windows

JUNE 2021 – OPEN GARDENS 2021 saw the introduction of a new event in Parklands.
15 Parklands gardens were opened to the public on our Open Gardens day in June – from Ashburnham Close and Flaxman Avenue, up Sherborne Road and through the twitten at Durnford Close to Cedar Drive, Oak Avenue, Walnut Avenue and Parklands Road; these were joined by two gardens in Westgate and one in St Paul’s Road. Fortunately the weather was good and the Covid restrictions were sufficiently reduced to enable 168 people to visit the gardens. Gardens varied in size and in what was on display – one gardener displayed her dolls house collection, another showed off her chickens, some of us had memory corners, and Tree Warden, Paula provided a wildlife and tree information stall in her own garden. Being June, lots of roses were on display! Town Crier, Richard Plowman, announced the festivities from outside the Lighthouse Fish & Chip shop where delicious home made cakes made by Committee Member, Lesley, were also on sale. The event raised a total of £470 which was put towards the Parklands Tree Warden appeal to spend on trees in the area.