
We rely totally on volunteers to help run the PRA and our events.

You probably have a skill that can help us and you need very little commitment to help us!


Got a little bit of time? We often need volunteers to help deliver newsletters. Can you spare an hour every couple of months? Love making a cup of tea? Happy to sell some tickets? You can help!

Got some planning knowledge and experience? We are always looking at how local planning affects the Parklands area, if you have knowledge and experience in how this works and how we can organise our campaigns for the best results you can help!

Love organising events? We regularly organise events through the year be it a Halloween party or Easter trail for the kids, Open Gardens in the summer, The Great Parklands Garage sale – we always need people to help run these.

Good with technology? We need people to help run this website and send emails to our residents. You can help.

Great at design? Our newsletter is printed several times in the year, if you have a creative eye for design you can help!

We want as many volunteers to help us run the PRA and make our events as great as possible for all of the local residents. If you may be able to help please do get in touch and see if there is a way that you can help – there is no commitment required at this stage – you may love it and want to do more you may hate it and not want to do anything – all of that works for us!